Get your social media on... Instagram feed on Facebook

So, you've been busy snapping photos to help engage with your customer or fan-base on Instragram. After all that effort for something so fleeting, you want to share the feed without reposting every instagram to your Facebook page and having the crossover group receive multiple notifications. Solution? Add your Instagram feed to your Facebook page. It's quick, relatively painless and is a simple as a step-by-step wizard.

And, if you're conversing on Instagram using a special #hashtag, such as #gadgetgirlfiles, you can even add a feed for that #hashtag and share other people's related 'grams.

It all starts by going to First you'll be asked to log into your Facebook account, one with management rights over the Facebook page you want to add the feed to. After selecting the page you want to manage, you repeat the login but this time for your Instagram account. Give permission for the two accounts to play together and that's it.

There are further settings, such ordering the #hashtag feeds and imposing moderation once you've added the app to your Facebook page.

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